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Sales: +254 725 600374
Welcome to TARAKWO DAIRIES PLC ecommerce managment system.
TARAKWO DAIRIES PLC is a farmer owned public limited company that was incorporated on 22nd February 2010 and is located at Bayete Shopping Centre along Eldoret- Nakuru Highway.
The company was initially registered as Taragoon Dairies Co. Ltd through the Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation’s East Africa Dairy Development (EADD) program and later renamed to Tarakwo Dairies Co. Ltd in 2014.
It draws its membership from twenty-four farms in Ainabkoi and Kesses Divisions in the Uasin Gishu county, covering 16 locations.
The company engages in milk production, collection, processing and marketing.
All types of Yoghurts especially Vanilla and Strawberry Yoghurts.